The end of the first year and start of a new chapter

It has been a while since I wrote my last blog - It was in August 2020 when I wrote how to remain positive. Since then, a lot has happened. Not sure if I will be able to remember everything that happened in the first year either but will do my best!

I want to take you on my journey on how I first started, it was very much that I felt rejected on my launch date! It was sore not going to lie! I waited for my first sale. I recall getting my first sale, it was on the 27th Feb 2020 and I was at work. Honestly - I could of screamed! Although I had my first sale, It still was not enough! Being in a pandemic was hard enough, let alone just starting a business in a pandemic!

I started off with two night face oils, and I doubted myself so much. I came up with great products that worked so well but how was I going to get my brand seen? In this time I had to train myself on how to run a business. I looked at all different kinds of things that would help me get myself out there. Any spare time I would sit on YouTube learning, testing new strategies.

Investing myself was a big achievement not just for myself but for my products too. I saw an increase in revenue every month ever since I started taking time out to learn about business. An increase meant that I could re-invest and bring new products into my range.

Lets fast forward to June, the launch of the Green Clay mask. Having another product on my shelf was so rewarding, and also gave me the opportunity to understand what people liked. It was proven a hit of course, which I was able to bring a in product in November, I was able to launch a sensitive Pink Clay mask which has been a great success so far! So 3 product launches in one year!

In between the launches, Solo Skin London also won an European FreeFrom skincare Award, which endorsed my products. The fragrance free night face oil was recognised for its ability to sooth irritated skin, help with dry skin and help sensitive skin.

Solo Skin London was also featured into MyGreenPod marketplace and Lars Labels market place which gives Solo Skin London great exposure to press and new customers!

With all launches being successful, I have also been able to invest into another course, Certificate in cosmetic preservation. Which I have managed to complete on the 3/1/2020. This not only helps me with my understanding in cosmetics, but it helps bring the best quality products for you all. I have been sharing some of my journey on microbial testing on my Instagram and you can view these stories on my behind the scenes highlights! Believe it or not, I somehow caught Covid-19 and although I felt really rough. I did not want to lose the time I had in isolation. It was the perfect time to get my head stuck into my studies whilst NO ONE else was around. Crazy I know, but I wanted to come out of isolation knowing I achieved something! haha!

Ok, so that was in the business, but what has a business taught me personally? I have learnt SO much this year, its crazy. I learnt that I need to be selfish, I felt like I was always on egg shells, but I learnt to be myself and do what I do and that is to help people and empower others. Making money isn't just my goal, it's about having people around my brand that are positive, and able to be themselves.

2020 has been a crazy year no doubt especially with a global pandemic! But of somewhat has been a blessing too, to be in a position where a lot of my support comes from you all. From sharing my posts, to even purchasing my products. I have a group of affiliates that work alongside me, who represent my brand. These women all have something unique about them, whether it is their story, their motivation or just an escape from reality.

So to celebrate, I am adding a new range to my line, a nourishing body oil and a body polish. I myself have been using the Nourishing body oil and has worked great on areas where I suffer Psoriasis. I do hope you enjoy your new products, please do carry on sharing your skincare routine with Solo Skin London! We love to see this!

I am SO excited to take you on this journey of my 2nd year of trading!

Thanks for reading!
Naz x

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