This weeks blog post is about our lovely BA Shakera. She's not only a BA but a good friend too over Insta! Having great relationships where you can openly talk about anything and everything is important. I see my BA's like a little family, so choosing the right team is SO important! Read more to find out how Shakera uses Solo Skin London to help her Eczema prone skin.
My name is Shakera, I am a mother of 1 and I do skincare and makeup product reviews. For the last two years I’ve been obsessed with skincare and finally decided to start by sharing my journey with everyone on Instagram.
I always had normal skin. All my life I only used a moisturiser and just water to wash my face. However two winters back I realised I was getting a lot of flaky skin under my makeup and without makeup my skin was so dry. So now I have DRY skin.
My dry skin is very difficult to manage as the consistency of skincare products matters a lot. I find that moisturisers that dry up after being applied don’t sit well for me. So I really have to be wise with what I use. I found the Solo Skin London night oil is a great base in the mornings to help the dryness and help my moisturisers to stick on.
I have used the Fragrance free night oil, the green clay mask and the pink clay mask. Honestly I can say I love them all. Especially the pink clay mask as it’s more for my skin type. You apply it and it dries then when you wash it off it turns to liquid again. It’s awesome! The formulation on these products is something else because each one does exactly what it says.
The night oil has helped my dry skin a lot and my pigmentation. I had very dark lips earlier in the year and I’m so happy to say that the night oil was the product that helped reduce it. Even my cheeks always had red patches and the pink clay mask and night oil have helped calm that down. My holy grail products. Also I suffer from severe eczema breakouts, earlier on in the year I had a bad eczema breakout on my back and arm area. I was told to try the oil on it as it’s supposed to help. I was AMAZED!! I stopped scratching because the itching sensation was gone and within two weeks it was all smooth skin again. Almost like magic!!!
The night oil helped my eczema calm down, helped my dry skin and brightened my skin. Also my dark circles have reduced a lot.
I have recommended this product so many times and will continue to do so even if I stop working with Solo Skin London. Purely because the products genuinely are amazing. They speak for themselves so grab yourself one and test it out. Every person I’ve so far recommended it to, have loved it and worked for them. Overall this product is well worth the money and worth trying out. The ingredients are so unique that just by reading them you know how luxurious it is. Skincare is luxurious and I think it’s important to invest in good products after all it’s all going on your face!

Thank you Shakera for sharing your journey with Solo Skin London Products. It's so nice to hear how different skin types find the products.
You can follow Shakera on @Skincarewithshakera where you can see her review not just our products but others too!
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